Frequently Asked Question

What is the Austrian Data Cube?
Last Updated 4 years ago

The Austrian Data Cube (ACube) is an EODC service for accessing and working with high level Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data over Austria. The ACube offers working with data either with data science oriented python functions, or with OGC a standardized web interface WMS/WCS and GIS software. This series of FAQs serves to show how to access the different parts of the ACube service, query the data, and use the provided tools for aid when creating maps, analysis and computation. The ACube service consists of two main parts:

  1. OpenDataCube (ODC). The access to the ODC API is provided with JupyterLab. For more information see: How to use the Austrian Data Cube with Jupyterlab?
  2. Geoserver WMS/WCS. The data can be accessed with any GIS software. For more information see: How to use the Austrian Data Cube with QGIS?

For more information about the Austrian Data Cube project, products, involved parties read the Wiki page.

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