Frequently Asked Question
1. Introduction
This guide shows how to connect to a virtual machine using the Remote Desktop Protocol. The term "Remote Desktop" refers to a software or operating system feature that allows a desktop environment to be run remotely on one system, while being displayed on a separate client device. (e.g. your personal computer)
Please note Remote Desktop is not installed or configured by default on the EODC images.
Please contact if you require assistance with the set up of Remote Desktop.
2. On Linux
2.1. Install Remmina
We recommend using Remmina, a client application for Remote Desktop connections.
2.1.1 Ubuntu
Remmina is available in the default repositories.
sudo apt install remmina remmina-plugin-rdp remmina-plugin-secret remmina-plugin-spice
2.1.2 Fedora
To install Remmina on Fedora, enter the following command in your terminal.
sudo dnf install remmina remmina-rdp
2.1.3 Other Linux Distributions
Check out the official Remmina installation guide. Details are provided for other Linux distributions such as Arch Linux, as well as information on how to run the latest builds.
Remmina Official Installation Documentation
2.2 Connect using Remmina
- Start Remmina
- Create a new connection profile by clicking on the "+" icon on the top left corner.
- Specify a Name for your connection
- Choose "RDP" protocol
- Type in the Private IP of your virtual machine into the field labeled "Server" and append ":3389 as in the example below.
- Replace "USERNAME" and "PRIVATE_IP" accordingly.
Info: You can find the virtual machine's Private IP in the OpenStack Dashboard. You can find more information on private and public IP addresses here.
If you don't have access to the OpenStack Dashboard please contact your administrator.
The username depends on the operating system of your virtual machine. For Ubuntu use "ubuntu", for CentOS the username is "centos"
- Open the "SSH Tunnel" tab
- Set the options as shown below.
- Replace "USERNAME" and "PUBLIC_IP" accordingly.
- Click "Save and Connect"
- You are now connected to your virtual machine.
- Type in your username and password in order to login:
3. Windows 10
On Windows there are several possibilites of establishing a remote desktop connection. In this guide we will focus two methods:
- Using PuTTY
- Using OpenSSH on Windows 10
3.1. Using MobaXterm
MobaXterm is an open-source SSH and Telnet client for Windows that allows you to connect to remote servers from your Windows computer.
If you want to use MobaXterm please continue reading this guide: How to connect to a Virtual Machine on Windows using MobaXterm
3.2. Using PuTTY
PuTTY is an open-source SSH and Telnet client for Windows that allows you to connect to remote servers from your Windows computer.
If you want to use PuTTY please continue reading this guide: How to connect to a Virtual Machine on Windows using PuTTY
3.3. Using OpenSSH on Windows 10
OpenSSH can be enabled on Windows 10 Version 1809 and higher.
Follow this guide to enable it: How to install OpenSSH on Windows 10
3.3.1 Setup a SSH Tunnel
If your VM is not associated with a public IP address, you need to establish a SSH tunnel via your SSH gateway.
The SSH gateway is one virtual machine in your OpenStack project, that is associated with an public IP address.
- Open Powershell or the Windows Command Prompt and use following command.
- Replace "USERNAME" and "PUBLIC_IP" accordingly.
ssh -L 9999: ubuntu@
- You are now logged in on the SSH gateway, and the SSH tunnel is established. Keep this terminal open!
Info: You can find the virtual machine's Private IP in the OpenStack Dashboard. You can find more information on private and public IP addresses here.
The username depends on the operating system of your virtual machine. For Ubuntu use "ubuntu", for CentOS the username is "centos"
3.4. Remote Desktop Client
Once the SSH tunnel is setup you will need a "Remote Desktop Client" installed to access your virtual machine's desktop. We suggest using the built in "Windows Remote Desktop Client".
- Open up the Windows Start Menu
- Type in "Remote Desktop Connection" and press "Enter"
- In the field "Computer" type "localhost:9999"
- Click "Connect"
- The remote desktop will appear in a new window.
- Insert your username and password as provided by EODC.